Commercial Photography Policy at Viles Arboretum

Starting July 1, 2022, commercial photographers and videographers will be required to purchase a photography/videography permit to conduct business on Arboretum grounds. Commercial operations are defined as any "for hire" photography that occurs between businesses, organizations, and/or individuals for compensation. 

Commercial Photography PolicyPermits are a common mechanism used by parks and botanical gardens at the municipal, state, and federal level to regulate an activity.  In our case, it is necessary to ensure that commercial activity takes place in a way that does not impact sensitive natural spaces, normal trail use, or some of the important research that is taking place here at the Arboretum. 

The permit process also allows Arboretum administration the opportunity to establish communications with these businesses and relay important information about times when commercial media activities can not be conducted on the property. Instances such as large events and ongoing maintenance activities create situations where conducting business on the property may not be appropriate at that time. Advisories such as the status of brown-tail moth and ongoing maintenance to popular attractions (such as the willow tunnel) will also be issued to photographers. Photographers & videographers are not required to notify us when they are coming, we will convey any important dates or advisories in advance to allow photographers to plan ahead with their clients. 

Photographers or videographers who are interested in conducting business on Arboretum property are asked to obtain a “commercial photography/videography permit,” which grants the individual following permissions:

  • A. Permission to advertise Viles Arboretum as a photography/videography site.
  • B. Authorization to accept payment for use of the property as a photography/videography site.

A permit can be purchased for $25 on the Viles Arboretum website, or by contacting the main office during our posted business hours. The permit fee covers the administrative costs of managing this program. Permit holders will receive an identification lanyard that must be worn at all times while on the property conducting business. By purchasing a permit, holders acknowledge the following:

  • I. That photographers/videographers, and their clients, shall abide by all Visitor Expectations, as outlined on our website and at trailhead kiosks.
  • II. That photographers/videographers, and their clients, will not obstruct trails, nor cause any other disturbance that will otherwise interfere with the normal activities of the Arboretum and its guests.
  • III. That photographers/videographers Waive, Release, and Discharge from any and all liability, including but not limited to, liability arising from the negligence or fault of Viles Arboretum, it's employees, volunteers, entities or other persons released, for death, disability, personal injury, property damage, property theft, or actions of any kind which may hereafter occur to you and/or your clients while engaged in activities at the Arboretum; a waiver which shall be construed broadly to provide a release and waiver to the maximum extent permissible under applicable law.


Purchase Permit

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