Welcome to the Chop Shop - Invasive Species Removal Project!

This recurring volunteer opportunity aims to make a positive impact on the environment by removing invasive species and promoting healthy plant growth. Invasive plants and pests threaten the natural balance of ecosystems by outcompeting native plants and disrupting the food chain. By working together, we can make a difference in preserving our natural areas for future generations.

Chop Shop Viles Arboretum Invasive Species Removal

This community project provides a hands-on approach to learning about invasive species and their impact on the environment. Participants will gain valuable knowledge and skills that they can apply in their own communities. By fostering a sense of community, we can create a network of individuals who are committed to environmental stewardship.

As a community, we have the power to reshape our environment in a positive way. By removing invasive species and promoting healthy plant growth, we can improve the health and biodiversity of our ecosystems. The Chop Shop is a place where individuals can come together to make a real difference in preserving our natural areas and supporting the Arboretum. Join us in this important mission to create a healthier and more sustainable world. 

Find out when the next Chop Shop is!

Our work at Viles Arboretum is made possible by the generous support of our members and donors. If you'd like to help sustain our efforts, consider becoming a member today.