Fall Volunteer Day- A Big Thank You From the Arboretum

2020 has been an incredibly challenging year.  Despite the challenges, it has been wonderful to see how our community can still come together and accomplish great work.  The Arboretum is lucky to have a large group of volunteers.

fall volunteer day 2020a


We had a great turnout with over 20 volunteers showing up to work on projects throughout the Arboretum that would help improve the grounds as well as prepare for winter.  While volunteers may not have been able to work on a large group project due to COVID-19, we were able to find jobs throughout the Arboretum, helping people to safely work.

fall volunteer day 2020b

Some of the projects that we were able to accomplish include:

  • Weeding and mulching the front beds around the Visitor's Center
  • Clearing invasives and woody debris from around the Johnson Pavilion
  • Spreading mulch around the Permaculture Food & Forest Collection
  • Sawing and clearing debris from our trails 

fall volunteer day 2020c

fall volunteer day 2020d

Our work at Viles Arboretum is made possible by the generous support of our members and donors. If you'd like to help sustain our efforts, consider becoming a member today.